What I suggest is that you email your book details to me together with the link to the page where it's available, like this:-
Your name, plus your Twitter handle and Author Central link, you have those don't you !!
Your book title and what it's about, if fiction, then what kind of genre etc.,
Your Amazon ASIN
Your ISBN, easily obtained free from the
National Library....click below link...
Click hereAn image of the cover is always good too.
Please - New Zealand eBooks only, thank you
.Rules, I'm not interested in the quality of the content, but the book must be an eBook, not print, sorry, while print is great there are other places you can easily promote them.
The book must be New Zealand, principally set in or about New Zealand and I define that as content that is at least 33% N.Z. If it's Fantasy or Sci-Fi, and not of this world then OK so long as you're a NZer, and/or permanent resident and holding a NZ ISBN from the National Library ( which are free, see above ).
Let's say you write a trans-Tasman epic, it's got a lot of Australia in it. No problem, as it's also got a lot of New Zealand.
Or, let's say you're writing about Wallabies. Cute little critters eh, and it includes lots abut the Wallabies of Waimate, then OK, it's all good.
Or, you're writing a Rugby almanac on the game in Australia, with nothing about New Zealand - Wrong Your email will be ignored
Or, you write a book about love and romance in New York - Wrong - Your email will be ignored
Or, you write a book that is Sci-Fi and you are a NZer and/or permanent resident in New Zealand with a NZ ISBN, OK.
Email your details with title, ASIN etc., to me - kwhorlor@gmail.com or look for the book you're thinking of in the search panel below
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